Software — Danish Prakash


This is an archive of some of the software I’ve written over time and a few of my Open Source contributions to various projects. These lists are generated (partially) automatically so If you find anything out of the ordinary, feel free to create an issue.

Open Source
containers/podman - A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
containers/buildah - A tool that facilitates building OCI images.
containerd/nerdctl - Docker-compatible CLI for containerd
hashicorp/nomad - performant workload orchestrator
golang/tools - provides the module
kubernetes/kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Scheduling
shopify/kubeaudit - Kubernetes cluster security audit
hashicorp/terraform-ls - Terraform Language Server
hashicorp/vscode-terraform - HashiCorp Terraform VSCode extension
opencontainers/runc - CLI for running containers according to the OCI spec
ankitects/anki - Anki for desktop computers
neovim/neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
microsoft/knack - Knack - A Python command line interface framework
auth0/auth0-python - Auth0 SDK for Python
google/kasane - A simple kubernetes deployment manager
python/cpython - The Python programming language
python/peps - Python Enhancement Proposals
VSCodeVim/Vim - Vim for Visual Studio Code
coala/coala-bears - Bears for coala
Personal Projects
kube-step-podautoscaler: Controller to scale workloads based on steps.
gosortstructs: sort Go structs using AST
vim-gosortstructs: vim plugin to sort Go structs
zf: barely there fetch utility
nvim-blameline: GitLens’s current line blame for nvim.
vim-docker: Docker development plugin for Vim
vim-zen: Barebones Vim plugin manager
vim-githubinator: Show selected text in Vim on Github
vim-yami: Monochromatic dark(闇) theme for Vim
goodreadsh: Command line interface for
py-splice: A Python interface to splice(2) syscall
githubfs: Read-only virtual file-system for Github using FUSE
pip-name: Check whether a package name is available on PyPi
amizone-cli: Command line interface for
dash: Unix shell written with piping & history recollection
vimport: Vim plugin to import and drop modules
chromatic: Create monochromatic backgrounds on the terminal

That’s about it, feel free to reach out.