Quiet — Danish Prakash


We all have been brought up in a way that excoriates people who don’t speak out loud in a group setting. I’ve always disliked the company of a larger group of people and it’s something I fairly recently accepted and internalized. This book was helpful in explaining the inherent difference between introversion and extroversion, and how, contrary to what we’ve been told all this time, that neither is better than the other. In fact, introversion sometimes trumps especially in situations where we’ve been made to think only extroverts can and will prosper. It draws on a large number of research over the past decade with astonishing results to back up all the claims. I personally feel this should be mandatory reading for everyone, it helps those who think there’s something wrong with them (like me) who are not outgoing but at the same time, it’ll help set expectations for the outgoing types on how prevalent introversion is and how to appropriately deal with it.