Society Without God - What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us about Contentment — Danish Prakash

Society Without God - What the Least Religious Nations Can Tell Us about Contentment

An empirical account by the author on why the least religious nations, namely Denmark and Sweden, are also the strongest societies in the world. We’re all witnessing what religion can do in the hands of a morally corrupt few and it’s not looking good at all. Contrary to the issues that the most religious nations are facing today, Scandinavian nations stand out. They have strong, secure societies where people aren’t forced to turn to “Gods” to seek comfort in hard times. This makes total sense, if your basic needs are being taken care of by your government, there’s actually very little incentive for you to believe in the atavistic notion of a higher being. The author has given convincing arguments to a lot of commonly asked questions from the believers when they’re presented with such a study. All this is not to say that if a country decides to cold turkey give up religion, it’s going to see all the aforementioned advantages. The process has to be organically bottom-up, whether the people believe or don’t believe in a God would make all the difference. Providing rational and logical arguments to the masses for them to make an informed decision is the way to go. It’s unclear, however, whose job that is. I have a lot to say on this topic but that’ll be a post of its own. Good read.